John Reifsteck
Chairman of the Board & President
Champaign, IL
Chet Esther
Vice Chairman
Frederick, Ill.
Bob Phelps
Vice Chairman
Rockton, IL
Kevin Herink
Cultier, IL
Kim Fysh
Thamesville, Ont.
Brian Hora
Washington County, Iowa
Warren Jibb
Sunderland, Ont.
Andy Jones
Bloomdale, Ohio
Jason Lay
Bloomington, IL
Kevin Malchine
Waterford, Wis.
Jack McCormick
Ellis Grove, IL
Dennis Neuhaus
Hoyleton, IL
Ron Pierson
Walnut, IL
Allen Tanner
Creston, Iowa
Brad Temple
Serena, IL
David Uhlman
Tremont, IL
David Watt
Murrayville, IL